
Published on 28 August 2024 at 12:31
  • I am learning about the screenwriting business.  I thought it was all fun and games until I finished one and had to decide what to do next.  I discovered CoverFly and learned about contests and pitch fests.
  • I didn't know about an elevator pitch until I had already given one.  It happened in an elevator, literally.  I asked a guy about his business. (He and a couple of other people were  pushing some camera's cases )  I mentioned that I had just finished a screenplay and he offered that he wrote Christmas specials for Hallmark.  I thought that was cool, but later realized I hadn't asked for any information.
  • I forgot something in my office and on my return trip and saw the same fellow.  I'd been wishing I had asked him for his name or something so now I had the chance. He stepped up to the plate and  offered his information to put in my phone.  Then I said, " It's all about networking, right?"  I sent him a text, but didn't hear back.  No surprise there.  Time to follow up.  
  •  The internet is a goldmine for answering questions.  There are free and paid sources everywhere, education writing material for the screen writers, and of course those who want to make money telling you what and how to do it...for a fee.
  • Learned about contests-not a big deal, but  worth a try. I entered my play to the "Big Break Contest."   So did 10,000 other people.  Such odds. 
  •   But then last week I got a notice in my email congratulating me on making it to the quarter-finals and telling me that if I want to make any changes for a second reader I have to do it today.  I've got to go now



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